I debated whether or not to show this, because the client stiffed me on payment, but as far as I know, never used it as meant for. Said client never received a high-res file, so at least that cut down his chances of doing so. I did this a couple of years ago for an old high school classmate who was starting a business focused on the ganja. I even debated doing this for him for various reasons, but I liked his idea of an inebriated praying mantis and decided to have fun with it. He wanted some individuals enjoying his product, so I included three people who we went to high school with who were known imbibers at the time. I never told the client who they were modeled after and he never asked. I think that the fix was on at that point. But, said client passed away and that was that.
So, if any pot businesses out there need a logo/mascot, you know where to find me.
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