Wednesday, July 24, 2024

A Sketch Of The Controller


I'm currently working on a sketch card set and wanted to work out the poses some before committing to the actual card. I was kind of happy with this here sketch of the Marvel Comics villain The Controller. He was always one of my favorites, with his craggy, sculpted face. Pure evil. I gave him some funky teeth to go along with that beat up, etched face. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

All That Glitters...


The price of make-up should spike soon, if it hasn't already.

Friday, July 12, 2024

A Frankenstein's Monster Sketch


pencil in sketchbook

A couple of years ago, I entered a local contest to design alternate covers to certain classic books and this was my entry, Frankenstein's monster ominously coming through a doorway.

Obviously, I didn't win.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Recent Sketch Card Commissions


These two sketch cards were commissioned along with the sci-fi drawing posted last month for a gentleman across the pond. As I've said before, I always enjoy doing commissions for this client, as he always knows what he wants and they are always fun to do. 

The first card was based on one of the original Mars Attacks cards from the set by Topps in the 1950's. For this one, he wanted the figures to be reversed with the Martian being the victim to the Polka Dot Girl (the client's own creation). The second card was based on the intro to the Man from U.N.C.L.E. series from the 60's, but with the Polka Dot Girl in place of Robert Vaughn. A couple of fun cards.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Manos: The Hands Of Fate Sketch Cards


As promised, here are the bulk of the sketch cards done for the Manos: Hands Of Fate card set released by RR Parks Cards. EBay sucks these days, so if anyone is interested in the Artist Proofs, you can contact me directly. I'll be starting an Etsy page, as well, so that will be another option. But, buying directly from me will eliminate any obnoxious fees. 

If you haven't seen the 1966 film, I encourage you to do so. It's baaaad. 

Monday, June 24, 2024

Manos: The Hands Of Fate Artist Proof Sketch Cards


So... it's been a couple of years since I'd done these Manos: The Hands of Fate sketch cards for RR Parks. I didn't even know that the set was released and quite frankly, forgot about it. There are a few sets that I'm still waiting to be released so that I can show those cards. Anyways, here are the Artist Proof cards for that set. If you haven't seen the 1966 movie... It's bad. And not in a Plan 9 from Outer Space bad. But, you can laugh at it via the Mystery Science Theater 3000 showing and can mock it in that way. 

It was a fun set to draw, though and I will show the rest of the cards that I did for this set soon. Probably this week.

Here are the links for the auctions:

Monday, June 17, 2024



This past Saturday I wrapped up a three week Japanese woodblock workshop with Yobuko Yamasaki, which was a lot of fun. Good instructor, good classmates. 

My subject this time around was the French aviation pioneer Antoine de Saint-Exupery. I've been immersed in his world for the past few months, reading his bio and a couple of his own works of fiction that were based on his adventures. In this workshop, we were able to do two colors, so that meant two separate pieces of wood to carve. However, when I did my initial design, I had three colors in mind. So, when the time came to print, I needed to make some choices. I think that it came out ok. I'll go into more of the process in one of my next Substack posts. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

A Recent Sci-Fi Commission

ink and markers on bristol board

This here drawing is a recent commission for a fine chap across the pond. He always has fun ideas and is a treat to work with. The gal on the speeder bike is his own creation, in which I've drawn before. The speeder bike is an unused concept from the original Star Wars trilogy, in which was designed by Joe Johnston, I believe. A fun commission, for sure.


Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Rupert Murdoch


So, this post has two parts to it, both somewhat serendipitous. First, a shameless plug for my book of caricatures that came out earlier this year. The book, titled 86 Sycophants, Charlatans, Leeches, and Opportunists of the Donald J. Trump Sh!tshow features all kinds of questionable people who just can't stay out of the news, including Rupert Murdoch, who as you you know by now has married yet again, joining his media empire with that of Putin (close connection, ex, etc) to make things even more questionable. Of course, you can get a copy of my book by contacting me via any of my social media accounts or directly through email at

Now, on to part two of this narrative. I am currently absorbing Peter de Seve's latest art book, Local Fauna, which is quite awe inspiring, as you can imagine. Today, I read a bit where he talked about a certain cover that he had done for The New Yorker, in which he and his editors and fact checkers scanned repeatedly for any errors in it. After it was published (of course), a reader noticed the two right feet on the figure in said cover. Now, what does this have to do with Rupert Murdoch, you might ask? Well, just before getting everything together for the layout and after hundreds of checks, I noticed something a little off. you guessed it. Old Rupe's right hand was... well, a left hand. Now, I know that professional artists do this from time to time, as Mr. De Seve's tale will attest, but man... that one almost slipped by. Too close for comfort! And I couldn't tell you what made me 'see' it that one time as opposed to all the others, but I sure am thankful for catching it in time. So, yeah, it happens.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Darren McCarty


ink on bristol board

I wasn't going to post this drawing that I did prior to heading up to Traverse City (Acme Twp) for the Cherry Capital Comic Con because I wasn't too sure how I felt about it. Meaning, that I wasn't too sure if it looked like him. Once there, I showed it to a few people and they saw a likeness, so I put it out to sell. 

Well, to make a long story short, I showed it to a friend/colleague who sets up alongside McCarty at shows and he liked it and showed it to DM. After a short exchange, he now possesses the drawing. 

He sincerely seemed happy with the drawing, so I was happy to give it to him. I just love making millionaires happy! It was a good moment, though, with some fun chit chat between us. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Cherry Capital Comic Con 2024


This weekend I will be set up in Artist's Alley at the Cherry Capital Comic Con at the Grand Traverse Resort in Acme, MI (Traverse City). So far this is my only appearance for the year and I will have all the usual stuff; books (including the latest), AP sketch cards, original art, stickers, prints, as well as doing commissions.

So, if you are in the area of northern Michigan and into this kind of stuff, make sure to stop on by. I will be there all three days (Fri-Sun). They will be having some interesting media guests as well as some of the Midwests finest creators. Go here for all the details.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Hope Hicks


Hope Hicks is in the news, testifying against her former boss, because, you know, it's now beneficial for her to do so. I sense a book coming soon. So, here she is, from my book 86 Sycophants, Charlatans, leeches, and Opportunists of the Donald J. trump Sh!tshow. Copies are available, both in hardcover and paperback. Just contact me.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Go Figure! Sketch Night at Rainy Day Art Supply

 This past Saturday was live model sketch night at Rainy Day Art Supply in Grosse Pointe Woods, MI. Darian Wolfe as Death from the movie Puss In Boots 2. She did a great job, for sure! This time I took the fountain pen approach instead of the colored pencils that I've been using. 

All done in my sketchbook.

Friday, April 12, 2024

A Portrait of an Artist and His Wife

ink on bristol board

Here is the last of the commissions from the Sh!tshow Kickstarter campaign. The client wanted a portrait of me and my significant other. Why? I have no idea, but I took it as a challenge to have a bit of fun. Well, as it turns out, I had a lot of fun with this one. I incorporated elements of surrealism (think more of Dali than say, Tanguey) and symbolism and went to town. The background design is the facade of the Italian church that we were married in. And, of course, I had a little help from Sandro Botticelli. 


Sunday, April 7, 2024

Frida and Diego


I just sold this watercolor yesterday through the River's Edge Gallery in Wyandotte, MI. Glad to see this painting of Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera from 2019 finally found a home. I will have more available with them soon. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Ruby Thursday


ink on bristol board

This here is a commission from the Sh!tshow Kickstarter that I had at the end of last year. You may have heard about it. This enchanting young lady is Ruby Thursday, the Marvel Comics character that appeared in The Defenders comic book among other titles. An obscure, but interesting character.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

David Bowie


ink on bristol bobard

This Substack Reward commission had me doing TheThinWhiteZiggyAladdinHeroes guy. I wasn't sure if the client would like the combination of phases, but she did. Therefore, I'm happy. 

Friday, March 22, 2024

Tin Tin


ink on bristol board

Here is a recent Substack Reward commission done of Tin Tin (and Snowy) done in the style I used for the Sh!tshow book. He's a little portly here, wouldn't you say? Still, no less adventurous! 

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Peter Navarro

Martha Stewart went to jail with more grace than this clown. 

To celebrate Navarro's moving to his new digs, here's a page from my Sh!tshow book. Book signing coming soon!


Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Geert Wilders

ink on bristol board

This guy here with the wild hair is the Dutch politician Geert Wilders. He might get votes on his hair alone. This commission  was done as a Substack Reward, as I'm calling them, for those who have contributed to the cause. I appreciate you all.

You can always check out and subscribe to my newsletter for free here


Monday, March 11, 2024

Gene Wilder

ink on bristol board

Here is another commission done for the Sh!tshow Kickstarter tier. This time, Gene Wilder as Dr. Frederick FrankenSTEEN from Young Frankenstein.  


Thursday, March 7, 2024

Ultraman Series Two Artist proof Sketch Cards


Ok, here we go... These are my Artist Proof sketch cards from the Ultraman, Series Two set released by RR Parks Cards last year. These sets are always a lot of fun to do and will be commencing work on Series 4 very soon. There will be a Kickstarter for Series 3, so stay tuned for that. 

Anyways, below are the eBay links for each card:

Friday, March 1, 2024

Joey Ramone


ink on bristol board

The next commission in the line-up is none other than Joey Ramone. 

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Black Panther


ink on bristol board

For this commission of one of the best comic book characters of all time, I couldn't resist taking a Jack Kirby approach, although I originally did want to use the more modern look, whilst keeping that Kirbyesque feel to it. So, as you can plainly see, no modernity to this at all. 

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

The Black Knight


ink on bristol board 

The Black Knight is the next commission from from the Kickstarter that I ran at the end of last year. I wasn't going to be that strict with what I offered and allowed any character to be requested, not just politicians. But, I did and am drawing them in that style. And it made for more fun for me.

So, this version of the Black Knight (also known as Sir Percy of Scandia) is not the same as the Marvel Comics version. This guy was an ancestor of the later Marvel character and this Black Knight, although created by Stan Lee and Joe Maneely, made his first appearance for Atlas Comics, which was a precursor of Marvel. I used the Joe Maneely design as requested. It was  lotsa fun using all that ink!  

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Hammerhead Woodblock Print


print w/sumi ink

A couple of weeks ago, I finished up a three week course in Japanese Woodblock Engraving with instructor Nobuko Yamasaki. This here print above is my inaugural woodblock print. A hammerhead (of course!) for this week's open-themed #SundayFishSketch.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

TBT: Shells


from sketchbook

I'm currently reading a book about spaces, imagination, homes, etc and there is a chapter that philosophizes about shells and I recalled that I did this sketch long, long ago (1991) that hinted as to what I'm reading now. So, I had to go looking for it. Look at that crosshatching! Look at that Frank Frazetta ripoff signature! I believe that I did most of this sketch while I was supposed to be working, making mattresses. I had priorities.

Monday, February 5, 2024

Norman Rockwell


ink on bristol board

This here drawing by Norman Rockwell is the next commission in the pipeline. This one done for a Substack reward for generously donating to the cause (a new newsletter is in the works, too. This one focusing on linocuts). 

I believe that Mr. Rockwell painted from a glass mounted palette and for the discerning eye, the palette that he is holding is from one of his paintings, complete with number and shapes of the globs (technical term) of paint. The tilted head is just because I liked the tilt of his head in his self-portrait of him painting him. You know the one. A nod, you might say.

You can check out my newsletter here.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Go Figure! Sketch Night at Rainy Day


This past Saturday evening was another round of live model drawing at Rainy Day Art Supply in Grosse Pointe Woods, with our model, Madison. Don't ask me who she was dressed as, probably some anime character, but she did a great job! 

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

"Beavis" And "Butthead"


ink on bristol board

This here is a recent commission for my Substack Rewards, as I'm calling them for the moment. This one goes along with the Sh!tshow theme, as it portrays Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan as Beavis and Butthead. Personally, I think that B n B were far more productive and useful. 

Sunday, January 7, 2024

A Thresher Shark Sketch


ink in sketchbook 

Today's #SundayFishSketch theme are fish that have unique, odd, fascinating tails. And my unique tail selection is that of a thresher shark. A tail like no other... unless you're another thresher shark, that is.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Nick Cave


ink on bristol board

So, some fine folks have generously contributed to my Substack newsletter and since I don't really know just how to navigate the 'for paid subscriber' material, I am treating these contributors as someone would a Patreon Page. And that is by providing them with an original piece of art. I decided to do them in the same manner as my Sh!tshow book, since I am having fun, for the moment, in doing so.

The first of these, a Nick Cave (sans The Bad Seeds) portrait, was to a fine young man from Detroit, who then gave this to his wonderful wife as a Christmas present. This was a fun one to do and am glad that it was received well. Always is.