Thursday, August 20, 2009 #5

I wonder if anyone will even get this one. It's a somewhat obscure reference.


Unknown said...


I was listening to the Repo Man sound track as I cut the grass Sunday.

How's that for an obscure answer?

Bruce said...

Well, I Knew you'd get it, hehe. That's not the same Picasso painting that we saw when making this remark, but I think it was similar.

migs said...

After reading Pablo Picasso's biography, I find it impossible to believe he was never called an asshole since he really, really was. This statement is probably technically correct though, since it's likely he was called an asshole in French or Spanish.

migs said...

Oh, and I totally dug the cartoon.

Bruce said...

Yeah, he was quite the asshole actually and he dabbled in other things besides paints, like other guys wives and young impressionable women.

dig, dug, dag, it all works :)