Wednesday, March 5, 2025

A Pot-ted Mantis?


 I debated whether or not to show this, because the client stiffed me on payment, but as far as I know, never used it as meant for. Said client never received a high-res file, so at least that cut down his chances of doing so. I did this a couple of years ago for an old high school classmate who was starting a business focused on the ganja. I even debated doing this for him for various reasons, but I liked his idea of an inebriated praying mantis and decided to have fun with it. He wanted some individuals enjoying his product, so I included three people who we went to high school with who were known imbibers at the time. I never told the client who they were modeled after and he never asked. I think that the fix was on at that point. But, said client passed away and that was that. 

So, if any pot businesses out there need a logo/mascot, you know where to find me. 

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Workplace Cartoons, Part Three


The next installment of Workplace Cartoons is up on my Substack. Check out Part Three for more floral delivery hilarity. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Belleview Drink N Draw


colored pencil in sketchbook

Last night I was invited to a Drink N Draw night at Egan's Pub in Belleview. A fun time was had by all and up above is the one and only sketch that I did (gabbing, eating, drinking, gabbing, etc). Todd made for a good subject, so I did my best to be quick about it.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Great Lakes Comic Con Wrap Up


This past weekend was the Great Lakes Comic Con and this one was truly one of the best cons that I have had in some time. Catching up with my fellow artists, (some with whom I haven't seen in a while), all the people who came by to talk and great sales, to boot. One of my table mates, Jason Westlake had to put up with me all weekend, but I think we had a good time. At least I did! 

It was also a bittersweet weekend, in that show promoter Mike DeSantis passed away just a few short weeks ago. I talked with quite a few people who knew Mike (including his wife) better than I did and enjoyed the stories about him. He seemed like a heck of a nice guy who was passionate about comics and comic cons. I hope that this weekend was a huge success in all ways possible for the DeSantis family.

Above are some of the sketches that I did inside some books that I sold. There were more, but I neglected to take pics of the others.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Great Lakes Comic Con and Leonardo


ink on bristol board

I'm all set up here at the Great Lakes Comic Con. Festivities start at 5 and go to 9 tonight. 

Keven Eastman of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fame will be here this weekend, so I did up a drawing of Leonardo. If you are nice, I'll let you buy it and have him sign it for you. But, you have to be nice.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

The Great Lakes Comic Con 2025


This weekend, starting on Friday evening, I will be set up in the Artist Alley section. I will have all the usual, books, prints, sketch cards, original art, etc, so stop on by and say hello. 

Friday, February 14, 2025

Second Star Character Profile: Uncle Buck


ink in sketchbook 

So, I'm currently inking the third issue of my comic, Second Star. In this issue there is a character called Uncle Buck, who is the uncle of the main guy, Holden. In this comic, all of the main characters are based on people that I know or knew when I plotted this whole thing out. Don't even get me started on all that! Uncle Buck is based on my Uncle Chuck, who passed away in 2016. I even drew him with 'The Spy' on his t-shirt. 'The Spy' was a sketch that he did for me when I was 10. I still have that sketch, too. He was a big fan of Mad Magazine and Big Daddy Roth and I'm sure that his sketch was inspired from somewhere in those things. Anyways, in this issue he plays a small, but important role in Holden's search for his missing and presumed dead, archaeologist grandfather. 

And I think that my uncle sort of liked it when I called him Uncle Buck. I'm sure that he was a fan of John Candy. Stay tuned for more about Second Star...