Here is the logo that I have been working on for a new local company called Hogsnot and they will be selling motor oil for the motorcycle market, particularly Harleys. The client (who was great to work with btw) wanted an ugly hog with snot and drool, ear rings, skull cap, the whole nine yards. Heck, I'm friends with this type of......... "people." So, it was very easy for me to conceptualize this one. I thought what would make this guy have that little extra added touch of ugly, so the uni-brow was a must, thick ear hair and stubble, which I'm kind of happy with.
I'm hoping soon that this ugly hog will be seen in and about the Detroit area. I believe that a website is being built for the product, so I will post a link when I hear more. And soon I will post the sketches and the steps that lead to this sweetheart.