Thursday, June 5, 2008


It has really been a lot of fun being a Wings fan for a long time now and I just had to put something up about the Red Wings winning the Stanley Cup, so here it is. And thanks to for the pic.

Plus, I'm doing something hockey related, but can't talk about it yet, so you'll just have to wait to see it.


  1. Alors là !!!! Les Français, ils s'en foutent du hockey !!!! ^^

    Then there!!!! The Froggys, they do it of ice hockey!!!!^^

  2. En ce moment il y a du tennis en France, et je préfère regarder le cul des joueuses Russes que des gros imbéciles sur des patins à glace !!! Hahahaha ! ;)

    At present there is tennis in France, and I prefer looking at the ass of the players Russians girls that big fools on ice skates !!! Hahahaha!;)

  3. Ha, ha! You're just jealous that frogs are no good on skates! I like looking at the asses of the Russian girls too, but tennis is just a notch above golf in the boredom department. Snooooze! At least there are some nice hotties at the hockey arena.
    Hey, the Red Wings are loaded with European players; Swedish, Czech, etc. But no French?

    Ha, ha ! You' ; juste jaloux re que les grenouilles ne sont aucun bon sur des patins ! J'aime regarder les ânes des filles russes aussi, mais le tennis est juste une entaille au-dessus du golf dans le département d'ennui. Snooooze ! Au moins il y a quelques hotties gentils à l'arène d'hockey. Hé, les ailes rouges sont chargées avec les joueurs européens ; Suédois, tchèque, etc. Mais aucun Français ?
