Friday, June 6, 2008

Spirit Of Paint By Numbers

The Detroit Artists Market is having an auction to benefit the gallery and the artists participating. The artists were given a numbered blank imprinted with an image of the Marshall Fredericks sculpture, The Spirit Of Detroit. This was designed by the creator of paint by numbers, Dan Robbins. The artists were encouraged to do whatever they wanted with the blanks; paint, collage, cut up, defaced deconstruct, reconstruct, whatever.

I chose to do a fairly straight up version done in colored pencils, but I intentionally left the numbers visible, as I wanted them to be a part of the final look. i also did one in charcoal and rubbed out the highlights.

The Exhibition and auction start tonight at 6:00 and runs through July 12th at the Detroit Artists Market, 4719 Woodward Ave. There's a lot of fun stuff down there, as I saw some of the finished works when I dropped mine off last week, so come on down and have some cheap wine and cheese. And the Detroit Festival Of Arts starts tonight, too, so there's plenty of fun stuff to do.

Version 1
charcoal on printed numbered blank

Version 2
colored pencil on numbered blank

Here is how the original numbered blank looked like as seen on the DAM postcard.


  1. I definitely did not understand all that you wrote, but it is not a problem.....(f.... translator !)
    You did not suffer from cyclone?

    I like the blue version...

  2. We don't have cyclone's here, but we do have tornadoes. Did we make the international news? Bad storms hit just north of us at that time, but thankfully, we didn't get much.

    As of the second day of the auction, there was a bid for the charcoal one, but not the blue one. :(

    Nous don' ; t ont cyclone' ; s ici, mais nous ont des tornades. Avons-nous fait les informations internationales ? Les mauvais orages ont frappé juste le nord de nous à ce moment-là, mais avec reconnaissance, nous didn' ; t obtiennent beaucoup. En date du deuxième jour de l'enchère, il y avait une offre pour le charbon de bois un, mais pas la bleue. :(

  3. Yes! Michigan is crossed in international information! But they did not speak about you.... You should not be the Michigan .......;)
