Sunday, June 1, 2008

More Line Studies

Here are a few more line studies that were done in the figure class from this past few months. In the first one, the assignment was to copy an existing pen and ink illustration and change something in it and have it match the original style. I chose an illustration from Timothy Bradstreet with a guy in a straightjacket and I added the gas mask. The next assignment had us selecting a photo of a person and we had to change that photo to a line drawing. I chose a pic of the actress Monica Bellucci. In the last one we had to take a photo of someone and change something in it and do that as a line drawing, as well. So, I changed her hair to tree branches and had her holding a tree branch. All three were done with a brush and tweaked a bit in photoshop. There you have it.

Timothy Bradstreet Line Study (with changes)
india ink on illustration board

Monica 2
india ink on illustration board

Tree Lady
india ink on illustration board


  1. Really, j ' will you like your job.
    I know Monica Bellucci very well. If you want, I shall introduce you to her...

  2. Oh! You put small "Smile" on Thimothy....

  3. If you introduce me, I may never leave! I may have to fire up the lear jet and come on over. Wait, she has more money than I do! Let her send a jet over to get me. I'll chip in $20 for gas.

    You are the first one to notice the "smile!"

    Si vous me prĂ©sentez, je peux ne jamais partir ! Je peux devoir mettre le feu vers le haut au gicleur lear et avancer plus de. Attendez, elle a plus d'argent que je fais ! Laissez-la envoyer un gicleur plus de pour m'obtenir. I' ; morceau de ll dans $20 pour le gaz. Vous ĂȘtes le premier pour noter le " ; sourire ! " ;
