Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A Night At The Aquarium On Belle Isle

Last Saturday night was the Night At The Aquarium fundraiser event held at Belle Isle's Aquarium and by all indicators it was a successful night. There were over 200 people that showed up to support the efforts of FOBIA to re-open the aquarium. The aquarium tanks themselves were filled with all sorts of items, fish related or otherwise, for the silent auction and most everything went home with someone.
The above pic is a view from my table where I was doing aquarium and fish related cartoons. The cop was from the mounted division (check out the spurs) and he popped in from time to time and seemed to enjoy the festivities. I wonder where he tied up his horse?
One of the tanks was filled with up so that Port Huron artist Gregory Lashbrook could paint under water. He and his wife are under water documentary film makers and they also had a lot of cool artwork on hand.
The tank to the left was filled with three of my original "fish" cartoons that were in a cartoon festival in Iran in 2005. The tank on the right had a General Grievous painting donated by my pal Matt Busch and there were also some of my aquarium cartoon prints in there, as well. All went to some lucky bidders.
This was my little set up right across from the center pagoda. You know, right by where the food and alcohol was being served. I spent the evening drawing cartoons to the amusement of the masses (I hope). Actually, I was a little concerned how this would go over, but it seemed that most people got it and had fun with it. I know that I enjoyed myself talking with people about the cartoons and such. People took prints and two originals were taken for a donation to the aquarium.

There were guest speakers there for the people to talk to, such as past curators and other specialists, and I was asked to make up some place cards for each guest. Here are most of the ones that were done. They disappeared quickly, so I hope that someone like them and took them home.

Jerry Stanecki was a local newscaster who had went down south to fish for a new alligator gar after the old one had died. They named him Hal.

So, all in all, a great night that I was happy and honored to be a part of. I really like being in this old building and getting the chance to walk around behind the scenes and just taking it all in (I've been able to do this a few times these past few months). And I've met a lot of good people who are also a part of this whole thing.

Who would have thought way back in 1977 when I was coming here for grade school field trips that I would be sitting in the center of the aquarium drawing cartoons for the fish.


  1. Looks like good fun for a good cause. Kudos to you for getting involved. Its nice to see people doing something when so many others just stand on the sidelines and complain about the decline of things in Detroit.
    Yr a good doobie.

  2. Yeah, this is a cause that i can sink my teeth into and all the peeps involved are cool and on the right track.

    I'm such a doobie.

    Oh, and I can complain too. You just wait.
