Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Debaucheri Magazine Cartoon, Issue #4

It seems like it's been forever since I last had a post here. I must say that it's been a long two weeks spending some time in the hospital trying my best to pass a kidney stone. After cat scans, x-rays and all that good stuff, it turns out that I have three stones in various places en route out of my body (I hope). Obviously, not much else has been on my mind, hence the inconsistency in posting.

I had planned on posting a review of the Mid Summers Expo, but in truth there wasn't much to report. Hardly anyone showed up and there were more dealers and artists there than attendees. But, it was fun to talk with the other creators and see what everyone is up to. I think everyone still had a good time.
Above is my latest cartoon for Debaucheri Magazine's July/August Issue. The theme was sexual liberation and freedom and all that good stuff and when doing this toon I couldn't help but recall when my friend Rob was telling me about how laid back the people in Amsterdam are. His example was that if some guy decided to take all of his clothes off and go and sit in the middle of the city no one would really pay him that much attention. They would probably steer clear, but it wouldn't be that big of a deal. then after awhile a policeman might come by and say something like "ok, you had your fun, now don't you think that it's time to put on some pants?"

And of course, there's the strategically placed digits...

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