Sunday, May 11, 2008


In the last few sessions of my figure drawing class we had the opportunity to work in any medium, as long as it was in full color. We had been working with colored pencils for the last few weeks, so I brought in the acrylics to see what I could do. I started out not half bad as these two will attest, but it was downhill from there. During the last two sessions I stunk up the place just about as much as one could stink up a place. It was bad. Expletives were quite common from my little corner of the room. I couldn't mix paint, well, I just couldn't paint and let's leave it at that.

So, here are the two that didn't suck so much.

Head Study #16
acrylic on illustration board

Head Study #17
acrylic on board


  1. Je trouve que c'est bien...Fait attention au mélange des couleurs avec le noir. Le noir salit les couleurs....
    Les "impressionnistes " avaient banni le noir de leur palette....(Renoir, Monet, etc....)
    Regarde bien leurs tableaux... Il n'y a pas de noirs.... Juste du contraste....
    Il faut jouer avec les couleurs complémentaires....

    I find that it 's good... Made attention in the mixture of colours with the black. The black mucks up colours....
    "Impressionnistes" had exiled the black of their palette.... (Renoir, Monet, etc....)
    Will you look their pictures.... There are not blacks.... Righteous man of the contrast....
    It is necessary to play with supplementary colours....

  2. Meeeeeeeerde ...... I have still made my "big" specialist.......;)

  3. Hello Dad, I know what you mean about not using blacks in painting. Usually, I try not to, but in this class the instructor (who knows his stuff!) wanted us to approach figure drawing and painting using the techniques that he taught us. Meaning, take a more illustrative approach. He wanted us to use blacks only in the darkest of dark spots and in these two, the only black paint used was in the eyes and under the nose in the first one. I know it looks like blacks in the blue shirt of the bottom one, but there is none, believe it or not. My scanner is for crap lately!... You, my friend, are the "biggest" of specialists!

    Hello Dad, Je sais au sujet de ce que voulez dire vous pas utilisant des noirs dans la peinture. Habituellement, j'essaye pas, mais dans à cette classe l'instructeur (qui connaît sa substance !) voulu nous pour approcher la figure schéma et peinture utilisant les techniques qu'il nous a enseignées. En signifiant, adoptez une approche plus d'illustration. Il a voulu que nous employassent des noirs seulement dans le plus foncé des taches foncées et dans ces deux, la seule peinture noire utilisée était dans les yeux et sous le nez dans le premier. Je sais qu'elle ressemble aux noirs dans la chemise bleue de l'inférieure, mais il n'y en a aucun, la croit ou pas. Mon module de balayage est pour la merde en retard ! … Vous, mon ami, êtes le " ; biggest" ; des spécialistes !
