Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Venus Of Urbana

I did this as a sketch a couple of years ago and thought that it would make an interesting if slightly humorous take on the current "unhealthy/obese/sexy curves debate," using Titian's Venus Of Urbino (1538) as a starting point. It's somewhat appropriate here because I think that Michigan is now the chunky capital of the U.S. Or maybe it just has a whole loaf load of sexy curves.

I can't complain too much, as I'm damn sexy sometimes myself.

I'll go now. Enjoy.

Venus Of Urbana
colored pencil
(one day I will do this as a painting)


  1. Yes! It is going to be necessary to teach to love the big women to come to live in the United States!;)
    And if they ate a simple salad this evening? Just the salad hmmm! No bacon, no egg!

    I like the manner you sum up hands on your drawings!
    Hugh and stuff

  2. So, we have no choice but to love the largeness, ha, ha? We have plenty here for you, Dad, so I could ship some over to you, although it might be a bit costly!

    Now, now, you won't be attracting too many of the large ladies without a bit of bacon and eggs!!!

    Ainsi, nous n'avons aucun choix mais pour aimer la taille, ha, ha ? Nous prenons l'abondance ici pour vous, Dad, ainsi je pourrais en embarquer plus d'à vous, bien que ce pourrait être un peu coûteux ! Maintenant, maintenant, vous n'attirerez pas un trop grand nombre des grandes dames sans un peu de lard et d'oeufs ! ! !

  3. Non! Non! N'envoyez pas de nourriture !
    Le problème existe aussi en France depuis 10-15 ans. Beaucoup de jeunes devienne obèse à cause de la nourriture de mauvaise qualité!
    A la télévision, ils passent des spots pour dire:
    Ne mangez pas de bonbons! Ne buvez pas de soda! Ne mangez pas en dehors des repas!
    C'est un monde de fous !
    La moitié de la planète meurt de faim, et l'autre moitié est trop nourrie!
    Et moi je bois trop de bières.... :)

    No! No! Do not send food!
    Problem also exists in France for 10-15 years. Many young persons becomes obese because of the inferior food!
    On television, they cross spots publicity to say:
    Do not eat bonbons! Do not drink soda! Do not eat between meals!
    It is madmen's world!
    The half of the planet dies from hunger, and the other half is too much nourished!
    Pfffffff ..............
    And me I drink too much beers.....:)

  4. Ha, ha, don't worry! They will bring their own food! But don't expect them to share any bonbons with you, either.
    One day soon, the whole world will be processed just like it's food has become!
    What a goal. Pfffffttt...

    Ha, ha, ne s'inquiètent pas ! Ils apporteront leur propre nourriture ! Mais ne vous attendez pas à ce qu'ils ne partagent aucun bonbon avec vous, l'un ou l'autre. Pendant un jour bientôt, le monde entier sera juste traité comme lui est nourriture est devenu ! Quel but. Pffffttt...
