Thursday, April 17, 2008

Jack Kirby line study

This is a line study that I did a couple months back for an assignment in my figure class. We had to do a copy of a pen and ink drawing (comics seemed to be the popular choice) by someone well know in the arts. I chose this image from the cover of The Eternals #9 by Jack Kirby. This particular issue was one of my faves as a kid. It had this cool blocky monster with jagged teeth and plenty of mayhem and action. Everything a growing boy needs. And it has those remarkable flat and large fingers that I always found to be appealing. Maybe that's why I like Rodin's sculptures so much. But anyways, the purpose of this exercise was to understand  the artist's use of line weight. Thick and thin lines. The lettering is weak, but I enjoyed the rest very much so. I did the whole thing with a brush to...ahem...brushen up on my skills in that department.
Jack Kirby Line Study
india ink

Here is the original cover to The Eternals #9 by Jack Kirby
And here is an update of my returned cards from Topps. I didn't select the first two, so I'm guessing that the ones that I wanted back went out into circulation. Oh well, this happens from what I hear. I've also included two of the three that I received for doing some extra cards. They will all be for sale (eventually on ebay, I guess), except for the Gandalf at the Gates of Moiria. I'm keeping that one.

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