Thursday, April 10, 2008

Figure Drawings

Here are a few charcoal drawings that were done last month in my figure drawing class. I really enjoyed doing this erase out technique as it was similar to sculpting in some ways by taking away and forming the shapes instead of adding line. Plus, in creating the image in this way gives off a smoky or hazy atmosphere. 

I'll definitely have to explore this technique some more.


  1. You have such a great understanding (and a great hand as well) with light and shadow. These are really cool pieces.

  2. These are really very good drawings. I love very much the one who is at the bottom of the page.
    Why make them you not in painting?

  3. Chris: Well, I wouldn't say 'a great understanding,' but I think that I'm getting there. this technique really emphasizes the play of light and shadow. Thanks man!

    Dad: Why, thank you good sir! I think that maybe the one on the bottom is one of my favorites, too. I'm happy with the top two, as well. Hmmm, don't you think that they would lose some of the effect if I painted them?

    Pourquoi, merci bon monsieur ! Je pense que peut-être celui sur le fond est l'un de mes favoris, aussi. Je suis heureux avec les deux principaux, aussi bien. Hmmm, ne pensez-vous pas qu'ils perdraient une partie de l'effet si je les peignais ?

  4. It 's necessary to try by doing again a simpler drawings, without the nuances of grey, and use colour to modify the portrait.
    I see it definitely with the oil painting.
    But it 's not perhaps your speciality...?

  5. Hi Bruce!!:)
    Great pieces.
    You are very talented in black and white pictures.
    My best compliments!!;)


  6. Dad: No, oil painting is not a specialty of mine. I should do more with it, but it has been awhile. Perhaps acrylic? Something to think about.

    Le non, peinture à l'huile n'est pas une spécialité du mien. Je devrais faire plus avec lui, mais il a été pendant quelque temps. Peut-être acrylique ? Quelque chose penser environ.

    Laura: Thank you, Laura! And again, congrats on your achievement!
