Thursday, October 4, 2007

Venus Or Bust

I really don't know what to think of this one. There are parts of this that I'm not too comfortable with and then again there are parts of this that I really like. It was just one of those illustrations that were slow in getting off the ground, or maybe I should say, the asteroid. Once I start a painting I like to see it through, for better or for worse, obviously, so this one is one that I learned as I went. Any comments on this one would be nice to hear.

Venus Or Bust
acrylic on illustration board


  1. The title is misleading. Instead of "or" there should be "and". *grumble*
    Love that little Greenling, his eyes are close to popping out. No wonder. Expecting to see Santa and his reindeers, his eyes spot Venus instead.
    This looks like you had a hell of a lot of fun drawing! It shows, it's great.

  2. P.S.:
    Oh yes, I did read you post about all that toiling, sweating, etc.!!!

  3. Hey Brucie!! Love it!!! How are ya? I've been a little swamped but been good. I hope to get back to blogging soon! ; o )

    Sending luv and sunshine from Texas!!


  4. Merisi: yes, yes, I'm that subtle with my clever usage of the word "bust." *double grumble* hehe. But, i am glad that you like it somewhat, I still don't know what to think of it, though. Glad it wasn't a total bust.


    Sandra: Hey Texas, glad to see you slumming around these parts again. Yes, get back to blogging so that we can see some more cool Sandeeee pictures!

  5. Once I start a painting I like to see it through, for better or for worse,

    Can I ever relate to that. I have a number of paintings that I'm not all that thrilled with, but I don't like to leave a painting unfinished. Sometimes, though, one can return to one of these paintings later and suddenly see just the right thing that it needs.

    You asked for comments, but it's difficult to criticize someone elses's art work. The only aspect that catches my eye is that the lower-right half part of the canvas might feel better if it was a tad cooler and faded out perhaps. But that's just my own personal opinion and I'm not really qualifed to critique this type of art.

    As to venus or bust? The first thing that I noticed was the bust. :)

  6. I find it difficult to criticize someone's artwork and regrettably I do hold back my inarticulate thoughts at times, but I do appreciate when someone takes the time to tell me what's on their mind. So, I appreciate yours, Anajo.

    Bust or no bust.
