Thursday, September 27, 2007

Rose Window

I wanted to get some practice with just doing black and white drawings, so this is one that I did last month using a brush instead of the quill.

Rose Window
india ink on bristol board

In other news, such as gallery news, I was informed by the Janice Charach Gallery in West Bloomfield, MI, that the charity event in which I painted a tie for, raised over $4,000 for charity. No idea how much mine went for because I was a bum and didn't attend the show. AND I sold my painting "It Takes A Tree To Raise A Village" through the Treehouse Studios Gallery on Martha's Vineyard. I'm sure that it went to a good home. I hope.


  1. very simple, n very very nice! ^.^

  2. Hi Bruce!

    I agree with Dinish, I like the simplicity of line in this. Reminds me a bit of Audrey Beardsley's work.

    Very nice...

  3. Dinesh: Thank you, sir. Sometimes the simpler the better.

    Ana: Hi Ana! That's a pretty hefty comparison with Aubrey Beardsley and no one has ever said that to me before, but I'll take. Thanks!

  4. So you didn't even attend your show which raised $4,000 !

    Those type of shows aren't all that much fun to attend, though. No matter, what's important is that they benefited from you skills.

    I like your lines (and I'm not just saying that because everyone else did - I thought that before I read everyone else's comments.

    I'm also impressed with how you rendered the form without any shading. Well done!

  5. Ha, ha, no I didn't go to the show, if I remember right, I was doing something els. I should have gone, though, i'm curious as to how much my tie went for.

    My wife wanted me to color this drawing in, but my goal was to keep it as simple as I could while getting the form right.
