Monday, July 9, 2007

Tattooed Sky - my website

Finally, my website is up and running. I think it needs a few tweaks, but all in all, my buddy Darin who put it all together for me did a great job. So, by all means use the link in the right hand column and tell me what you think. The name of the website is the same as this here blog, Tattooed Sky ( We're all travelling under a tattooed sky these days. Just perfect for us illustrators.


  1. Bruce...I just visited your website and sat here for about 45 minutes perusing it. Fantastic job! Both on the site and obviously, the work. I hope it allows you the freedom and growth you so much deserve. Keep up the great work!

    Unkle C.

  2. great website bruce! you're quite a multi-talented, multi-faceted personality i must say... the best part being the cartoony brain of course ;P
    all the best!!

  3. of course you know I love your website! well done! And your portfolio is stunning! An excellent body of work! I am quite impressed, Bruce.

  4. I just checked out your website - looks good. It loads really fast - your buddy did a good job.

  5. I have been trying to figure out this cartoon. The beetle of death... an obelisk.. Am I the only one who doesn't get it? :/

  6. Our world is sitting precariously on top of a crazy primitive evil beetle about ready to topple over?

  7. Unkle C.: Wow, 45 minutes? Thanks a bunch. All of these little steps are adding up and things are moving into place. Where will they lead?

    Dinesh: ha, ha, that cartoony brain has gotten me into some trouble in the past! Thank you, thank you.

    Ana: And thank you Mrs. Banana! Your suggestions were helpful. And hopefully soon, there will be a sculpture section added.

    Jacqueline: Thanks. I'll pass on your compliments to the web designer, Darin. He'll appreciate the comments.

    Anajo: Ha, ha, that is definitely one viewpoint that I've never heard before, although a lady that I used to work with called it demonic just because of the skull. I did this years ago and don't think that it had a special meaning and had always intended to use it on my website, so there it is. The skull is more like a Jolly Roger type thing...How evil can he be? There's that cute little turtle up on top.

    At least you got the beetle part right. Ana thought it was a cockroach.

  8. hahaha! Bruce! I'm sorry...beetle, there a big difference?! They both crawl and are very icky looking creatures.

    And you did not intend a special meaning, but maybe we should analyze this drawing more...there is ALWAYS meaning, even when you are not aware! I'm sure we can come up with some very interesting ones...hmmmm.

  9. C'mon now, beetles are cool!

    yeah, yeah, always a meaning. It's the slow, ruinous cockroach of death!

  10. or maybe the beetle is an altruistic one...carrying the burdens of the world on it's back.

  11. I like it, it's got moxie!

  12. And for the record: the Jolly Roger or a black flag was flown by pirate to signal to the intended victims that this was their last chance to surrender or else.

    And it wasn't always a skull and cross bones. But some sort of image of death, or implying impending doom such as death holding an hour glass, that kind of thing. And ALWAYS on a black field.

    And a red jolly roger? That meant no quarter was to be given or taken. The fight was to end in death.

    Look at all the interesting stuff I've learnt from building a play scape.

  13. Ana: yep, yep, that's it. Sounds good to me.

    Dug: Duggie! thanks dude. There you go, the Cockroach Of Impending Doom!

    the red skull was Darin's idea. It looked good, so I said to go with it.

  14. Great website, Bruce, I agree with the previous commentators. Amazing, how fast it loads! Kudoos to the creators, both, of the site and the images. :-)
    I love bugs (I am a country girl at heart, my parents refused to buy a TV, so there you had us, watching the bugs, prehistoric Discovery Channel *laugh*). I have to think about your obelisk-carrying wonderbug, my thoughts are more directed toward the object he's carrying, though.

  15. Oh great, now the phallus comments..

    ok, it's now The Evil Cockroach Of Impending Phallic Doom!

    But hey, you like Italy, and that little turtle on top was inspired by an Egyptian obelisk that I saw in Florence, although on that one the turtles were holding up the obelisk.

    I love bugs too and if I had the proper photographic equipment I would spend most of my time taking bug pictures, ha, ha. Seriously, I probably would.
