Friday, April 27, 2007

Stargazing II

This is my latest painting, finished about a week ago. I'm doing a similar image on a tie for a charity auction fashion show thing. When that's done I'll show it, too.

Acrylic on board


  1. Hey Bruce! Amazing painting! Do you deep sea dive?
    Thanks for sharing it!

    Sunshine from Texas!!,


  2. What a great twist on imagery associated with stargazing. I love the light reflected on his helmet lid (what's the technical term for that?).
    Awful good of you to be doing something for charity as well.

    Good to see what you've been up to, Bruce!

  3. This is beautiful, Bruce! In my opinion, the best images I've seen so far from you. It is part abstract, part realism, moody, and surreal. All qualities that I love. Beautiful! Can't wait to see the other one. I love the starfish and the rust and ochre color surrounded by charcoal...really nice!

  4. Hi Bruce.
    Very Beatiful picture.
    First time i come to visit your blog, and i find you have a lot of great pictures.
    Great blog.


  5. this is SO wonderful and dreamy!everything flows beautifully...

  6. Sandra: thanks, I'm glad the you like it and no, unfortunately, I have never been on a deep sea dive. I've always wanted to scuba dive, though.

    Mike: I think it's just called a face plate, but lid works for me. I'm going to start another one in this series, so I'll put that up too and the charity tie one is just about finished.

    Ana: Why thank you miss banana, or maybe I should say Mrs. Banana. Sometimes I get away from doing art the way I should be doing art, but this one worked out just fine for me. It was a joy to do from start to finish.

    Laura: I'm glad that you stopped by and even more so that you liked my blog and its contents. Come back any time.

    Dintoons: Thanks Dinesh, I'm glad that you liked it.

    Milenko: Wooo! And I'm glad that you liked it!

    Thanks again, my friends for all of the encouraging comments. I connected with this painting, so it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside that it connected with you too. really.

  7. Hey Bruce,
    Nice looking painting and I'm sure its going to look very hot on a tie.
