Monday, April 23, 2007

C-POPportunity, Part Three

C-POP Gallery's "CPOPportunity show ended April 7th and even though I didn't sell anything it was a positive experience. My thanks to the owner, Rick Manore, who is a very down to earth kind of guy and interesting to to talk to. We talked a couple times about the nature of art, anthropology, lawyers, comedians and pop culture in general. Well, he talked and I mostly listened. And he decided to keep my bronze piece on display at the gallery, at least for a little while, so that's cool. I took a few pictures a couple weeks after the opener with no people in the way, so here they are.

And the last picture is from the opener of the cartoon show in Belgium that I took from their website and lookee there behind the speaker, that's one of my cartoons (the lower right corner).


  1. Looks like it was a great show with talented artists...your art being one of the best of course!

    I LOVE that sculpture! he seems very isolated...especially sitting on a pedestal all by himself.

    congratulations on the show, Bruce. That, in and of itself, is an accomplishment! And if I had money, I would buy that little sculpture of yours!

    Cheers, my friend!

  2. ha, ha, thanks, Ana, but you should have seen the incredible art that was there.

    yeah, that green guy was kind of isolated, but that was what was cool about it, he stood out a bit.

    Thanks again, Ana!

  3. Hey Bruce! Is all of the Artwork displayed here, yours? Every piece is just incredible!! Awesome also, that your cartoon is displayed in that Cartoon Show and how it was pictured on the website as well!

    Cool visiting with ya!,


  4. Hi Sandra, No, that's not all of my artwork (that workload would have killed me!), just two were of them were mine. The greenish sculpture and the painting of the lego snowspeeder.

    Thanks for the visit!

  5. Hey Bruce! Cool, thanks! I LOVE the sculpture as well!! It's a beautiful piece! ; )

    Smiles from Texas!!,

