Saturday, November 11, 2023

Sh!tshow Profile: Ivanka


"I don't recall."

Have you ever seen a group of 'kids' that know absolutely nothing about their own family business? It's almost as if all of the insults hurled at Biden were just... projection. 

As I'm promoting my new book, 86 Sycophants, Charlatans, Leeches, and Opportunists of the Donald J. Trump Sh!tshow, running now on Kickstarter (more on that in a bit), all the subjects in the book seem to be tripping over themselves with helping me out.

It's all so very topical and that is one of the main reasons that I felt the need to get my book out there now, as this ridiculous election campaign is ramping up. Remember these people and what they have done. This current trial of the Trump business failures is just the tip of the iceberg. Join me in the all the humor of these caricatures. 

I have to ask, though... is Ivanka a Sycophant, Charlatan, Leech, or an Opportunist? 

I encourage you to check out my Kickstarter campaign below and share if you could.

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