Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Golf Trophy Process So Far


Yesterday, I was able to head on down to Blissfield and pick up the bronze casting for the golf trophy that I have been working on lately. Much thanks to Ken and the guys at Flatlanders for doing the job of making the mold and pouring the bronze! I had originally planned on doing this in pewter, since I could do that at home. As it turned out, no I could not. I would not have had a crucible large enough to hold the amount of metal needed to do the pour. And, as it turned out, I was able to go with bronze, which is what I would have wanted for this anyways, so I'm very happy to have done it this way. 

The large square was where the sprue or gate where the metal was poured into the mold and had to be cut off. You can see on the ends of the clubs where nubs are from the cut off vents. All of that has been pretty much ground and sanded down today. 

This is what the trophy looked like in wax form. Pardon my messy ass work station. More updates coming soon.

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