Friday, December 17, 2021

Ecuadorian Dart Frog


The Illustration Dept. has a critique group, usually held on Thursday nights and for yesterday's session it was suggested to a few of us beforehand that it would be funny if we did a bunch of frog related drawings. It didn't go over as well as hoped, but it was a fun idea and fun to do.

I even made a little backstory for my frog. This is Aguirre Fugeroa, the prominent Ecuadorian sculptor of turtles. You see, I was hired by the government of Ecuador to illustrate all of the famous artists of the country and who better to start with than the poisonous dart frog, Aguirre. At least his demeanor isn't poisonous. I'd like to think that he was a friendly sort of chap. I mean, he likes turtles. 

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