Wednesday, September 29, 2021

The Lost Fishes Art Challenge


watercolor on Arches paper

Over the summer when I started to do the #SundayFishSketch over on Twitter, I was contacted by the fine peeps at the Shoal Conservation about submitting a piece for their Lost Fishes Art Challenge. Sounds great! There are ten fishes on the list and all are still considered to be there, but have not been seen in decades. Apparently, the signs are there that they still do exist, but like I said, they have not been seen in some time. Most, if not all of these fishes inhabit only a certain spot across the globe.

I have chosen the Syr Darya Shovelnose Sturgeon (from an earlier sketch), which is (hopefully) still alive in the Syr Darya River which flows through Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. The sturgeon was last seen in the 1960's. You can see all of the ten fishes here

Good luck to all who entered and I look forward to seeing everyone's fishes!

I used Dr, Martin's watercolors on this one and just loved the feel of it as I was painting. The watercolor set used to belong to Jon Buechel, who was the longtime illustrator at the Detroit Free Press. Sadly, he passed away in 2010. I was able to purchase some of his art supplies at an estate sale and was very happy to pick up these watercolors. Maybe, just maybe, he helped a little on this piece. 

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