Wednesday, December 30, 2020

A Michigan To Texas Birthday Wish 2020


Each year, my friend Sandra down in Texas gets internet pics posted for her birthday and hopefully, she still gets a bunch of them. This year's pic is from this past October when I went for an open air helicopter ride. One can see my knee as we did a steep left bank, and that scene is a pretty good fall sky in Michigan.
Happy Birthday, Sandra!


  1. AWeEe—BRuCiE!!!

    EVeRY—YeaR, foR the paSt seVeRal YeaRs, you haVe poSted the—SWeEteSt PoSts&—PiCs foR my—BiRTHDaY!!!

    I—LoVe YoU foR it, my loVing—FRieND!

    I—LoVe it!!!

    SuCH a—BeaUTiFuL FaLL SKY piC!



    THaNk YoU, soOo, soOo muCH!!!

  2. I wasn't prepared when the banked right and I was looking down at the treetops! Happy Birthday!
