Friday, May 1, 2020

A Giacometti Inspired Sketch

It doesn't look very Giacometti-like, that's for sure. That's because it was inspired by something he said other than what he sculpted or painted. I failed with my experiment, but succeeded still, in a way. He had talked about painting (and sculpting, I presume) what's in the shadows and that intrigued me. And I didn't take it as a something that hides in the dark, or something sinister. I read his words as seeing something that just might not be visible so, hidden in that regard. But, how to go about that? What did he see in those shadows? It could have been something dark, as is evident on his sculptural themes, but with my limited knowledge of all things Giacometti I don't see that so much in his paintings. I will have to dig more into his thought process, if it's out there. Anyways, I took a stab at it with this sketch, but couldn't see what was in these shadows. No reference, btw, so I wasn't going by any particular look or expression. Where I think I did succeed was in my direction with the colors. I saw the brighter warmer colors as a flame, slowly intruding in on the cooler shadow areas. Exposing something, perhaps? I'll experiment more.

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