Monday, December 30, 2019

A Michigan To Texas Birthday Wish 2019

Each year, my friend Sandra down in Texas gets internet pics posted for her birthday and hopefully, she still gets a bunch of them. This year's pic is from a foggy rainy day back in March along Lake St. Clair here in Michigan.
Happy Birthday, Sandra!


  1. Hi—BRuCiE!!!!!

    I—LoVe it!!!

    THaNK YoU, soOo, soOo muCH!!!

    THiS—is my moST faVoRiTe kiNd of CoZY WeaTHeR to siT in a peaceful plaCe in&—just reminisce about my moST gRatefuL moMeNts in tiMe!

    YoU—aRe the—BeSTeST—eSt!!!!!

    LoVe&—ADoRe YoU, my loViNg BuDdY foR LiFe!

    YeSs—I am, still, in touCH with ALL of my INTeRNeT PeEPs from around the WoRLD and, soMetiMes, I still get—LuCKY aNd receive BiRTHDaY piCs from them!

    CHeErS&—BeERS to—52–YeaRs!


    I’m a—1967–CLaSsiC!


    TRuLY—GRaTeFuL to ya—BRuCie!

  2. Alright, Sandra! Glad ya liked and I hope that you had a fantastic day!

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  5. YaY!!!!!

    THaNKs, soOo muCh&—YeSs, I diD!

    My—DaY waS QuiET&—soMewhat PeaCeFUL!

    I waS feEliNg a little doWn, thiS year, but it’s—ALL GOoD beCauSe—

    I am—loOKiNg foRWaRd to ceLeBRaTiNg my BiRTHDaY in—JaNuaRY 2020, tHiS yeaR, wiTH my DauGHTeR’s SWEeT 16th BiRTHDaY!


    LoVe to Ya—BRuCiE‼️

  6. I hope you have a wonderful celebration and Happy New Year!
