Friday, August 3, 2018

The Homer Davenport International Cartoon Festival

It's been a long time since I've entered a cartoon competition, so I came up with one and this is my entry for The Homer Davenport International Cartoon Contest held at the annual festival in Silverton, OR. It starts today and goes through Sunday, so if you are in the area, check it out. Then you can let me know how it went!

If you are unfamiliar with Homer Davenport he was a fantastic political cartoonist, active in the late 1800's to the early 1900's. Unfortunately, he died young contracting pneumonia while covering an event of the returning survivors from the Titanic.

He was so good at his job of portraying corrupt politicians that some of them tried to get a bill passed banning political cartoons. "No honest man need fear cartoons" was his rebuttal. Needless to say, he is one of my heroes, not only for his stance against corruption (very topical these days, as ever), but his amazing line work and skills as an illustrator. Fantastic work. Google him!

Here's a link to the festival and contest page. Click on image to engourge. Just like Trump.

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