Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Caliber Rounds Interview

Here is a short interview that I did recently with Travis Mcintire from Caliber Rounds. You can check out their Facebook page here.

1.How did you end up doing work for Caliber Comics?
       I helped start a sketch group about five years ago called Motor City Sketch and we had a get         together at Wonderworld Comics in Taylor. Gary had put a call out for a somewhat secret project that he would like to discuss with local creators and that he would be there to talk about it. There was a pretty good turnout as can be imagined. Gary was putting together the Voices From The Deadworld book and wanted it to mainly have Michigan artists in it. I’m not sure how the selection process worked, but I was given the character Tattoo to illustrate and I was able to submit a zombie character of my own design. I had done a sketch a few years before of a hermit type guy with a black trench coat and all these pocket watches attached to it. I’m not sure if he was out of time, had nothing but time or was timeless, but I liked the imagery, so I changed him from a hermit to a zombie and sent it in. There were some funny email exchanges about this character, but in the end Gary wrote up an interesting back story for him. Since Voices of the Deadworld I have been fortunate enough to contribute illustrations for various Gary Reed publications. 

2. If you could be the artist for any character or property, what would it be and why?

    When I was younger, I would have killed to be the artist for The Amazing Spider-Man. He was by far my favorite character and had all the great artists on that title. Spider-Man had the best costume and would have been great to draw. I’m sure all of the buildings would have given me fits, but I could always see the attraction to drawing that title.

If we are talking about a Caliber character, then I would go with a King Zombie tale. That would be great fun. He lends himself wonderfully to great visuals with the leather biker jacket, red headband, spiked hair, etc. He’s an interesting creature to draw and explore graphically. 

These days I tend to lean more to the stories I want to tell. I have three graphic novels that I have been kicking around ideas on for quite some time. They need to be done, but with being busy (which is good) I have a hard time getting to them. So many stories to tell with so little time. There’s that clock zombie coming back to haunt me. So, with that said, I need to set aside time to get these stories told.

3. What’s next on the horizon for Bruce Gerlach?

      I am currently working on the third book for the Stoopid Stuf cartoons that I do with my fellow co-conspirator Kevin Minor. We seem to have a good following and were almost picked up by Universal Press Syndicate, plus we are just having too much fun in creating these off the wall and most times cheesy cartoons. It’s what we do. 

I am also currently wrapping up a couple of projects for clients, including a ten page comic for a writer in Chicago and a sculpture for someone in Tennessee. I will release details about those when I can. 

Also, the clock zombie tells me that a few graphic novels that need to be started…

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