Monday, September 22, 2014

The Belle Isle Aquarium Weather Vane

My design.

The cupola where the weather vane will reside.

The display of the design for the Butzel Long unveiling.

The unveiling party winding down.

My proposal and bio.

So, this past week was one filled with art and surprises. The law firm of Butzel Long, who is celebrating their 160 anniversary decided to hold a competition in lieu of a party for the design of a weather vane to sit atop the Belle Isle Aquarium. And my design won. To say that I am honored is an understatement. The unveiling party was held last Friday evening at the aquarium where my design was shown and I had to give a small talk on how I came to the design that I did. Most of that is on the board in the last pic (click to enlarge). The  Butzel Long people were great and I enjoyed talking with them and hearing how much they liked my design and for the reasons that they did. Earlier on Friday I had talked with the sculptor who might be in charge of the construction and combine that talk with that evening's talks, it was sinking in that I will have a weather vane that will hopefully be up on that roof for decades, if not longer. And to make things even better, I may be involved in the construction, as well. I'll have more details coming soon!

My sincerest thanks to the law firm of Butzel Long, the Belle Isle Conservancy and the Belle Isle Aquarium for seeing what they did in my design. I can't wait for this to proceed!


  1. As one of the competitors, l congratulate you on the win. A fitting, nicely executed design!
    Jens Zorn

  2. Hello Jens! Sorry for the late reply, as I was out of town for a show and had trouble with accessing wi-fi, but thanks so much the nice words! I haven't seen any of the other designs, but really would love to see what was submitted.

    Thanks again!
