Edgar Allan Poe
This here portrait of Poe is one that I did for the Portraits Of Poe book that is out now from Rocket Ink Studios. I have as yet to see this book and can't wait to do so
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Monday, December 30, 2013
A Michigan To Texas Birthday Wish 2013
It's that time of year again to send a pic to my friend Sandra for her birthday. Each year she gets a pic from various friends around the world to help her celebrate. This year I chose a pic of our puppy Elroy. This was taken back in early October when we first adopted him. He looks cute here, but trust me, he's a terror, a real handful!
Happy Birthday, Sandra!
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Punching The Clock Guest Gig, Part Two
Here is my second strip done for Rob Humphrey's and Jeff Manley's Punching The Clock. This was put up yesterday, so go on over to their site and check it out!
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Punching The Clock Guest Gig, Part One
For today and tomorrow I have the fortunate opportunity to be the guest artist on Rob Humphrey's and Jeff Manley's web comic, Punching The Clock. Jeff needed some much earned time off since he replicated recently and wanted to spend some time with his expanding family. Congrats to Jeff and family! So, in the meantime, a few of us cartoony folk have chipped in and done some strips that include Jay Jacot, Leslie Gauthier, among others. Above is my first strip, but by all means head on over to PTC and check out all of the strips. They have a huge following and it's well deserved. This is one of the better web comics currently out there.
Happy Festivus everyone!
Monday, December 23, 2013
Monday, December 9, 2013
Portraits Of Poe Sketch Cards
These are the sketch cards that I did for the upcoming Portrait Of Poe set by Rocket Ink Studios. A book is also coming that I contributed to with three drawings and a Poe portrait, so keep an eye out for that. Poe would probably like it if you kept an eye out...
Monday, November 25, 2013
A Recent Commission
In this recent commission, the client wanted a bikini clad heroine in combat with the Marvel villain, The Spot. As with a recent post for the same client, I am showing the inks and then with colors. It's always fun to work on stuff like this.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Figure Drawing Sketches
Last week I was able to sub for the Figure Drawing 1 class at Macomb Community College and while the students were on a longer pose I joined in to get some sketching done. On this particular pose I had them do drawings from the chest up as opposed to the full figure that was being done for the majority of the class. So, I followed suit and did a few quick head studies.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Light Up The Aquarium
The Belle Isle Aquarium is having a fundraiser on December 6th to help bring back the ever popular electric eel. If there are more requests for a critter to be brought to the aquarium (besides sharks), it's an electric eel. The aquarium will be decked out with vintage electronics and decor, so I'm told, so get your tickets and come down to Belle Isle to kick off the holidays right!
You can get all the vitals at the Belle Isle Conservancy website.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Boxing Girl Commission
Boxing Girl
ink and markers on bristol board
Here is a recent commission that I did where the client wanted a take on a Gil Elvgren painting, a take on a drawing that I did previously of Michael Madsen in Reservoir Dogs and a few design elements of his own. I've shown the inks before and after adding the color.
Friday, November 8, 2013
Belle Isle Aquarium Fall Koi Transfer 2013
The semi-annual koi transfer at the Belle Isle Aquarium will be held tomorrow beginning at 10am and going until it's done. So, if you'd like to help bring all those fishes back into their winter digs, come on down to Belle Isle and lend a fin or two.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
This Saturday I will be a guest at Fantasticon, a comic book and collectibles show in Sterling Heights. I will be in good company, as such heavy hitters as Keith Pollard, Arvell Jones and William Messner-Loebs will also be there. So, come on out and spend an afternoon at the show!
Monday, November 4, 2013
Galactic Files 2 Artist Proof Sketch Cards
I have four of my six Galactic Files 2 return cards from the Topps set available for purchase. So, if interested send me an email and we can haggle.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Monday, October 28, 2013
Lou Reed
Lou Reed
So, yesterday my friend and gallery director, Jeremy Hansen broke the news to me about the passing of rock legend Lou Reed. For some reason, I was glad that it was Jeremy that told me this, as he had a somewhat understanding of why I liked the music of Reed.
Anyways, as a youngster I was always fond of Perfect Day, Take A Walk On The Wild Side, and Sweet Jane. Still am. But, it was really when 1989's New York came around to my senses that I fully emersed myself in all things Lou. I got it. This guy had a voice (not so much the gravelly sound, but the inner voice) and a story to tell. A lot of stories, to be truthful. He was a man of experience, thoughts and an adventurous spirit. And he put all of that into song and verse. He spoke as much through his skin as he did through a guitar.
He once said that his goal in making music wasn't just to do that, but to create literature. That speaks to me, man.
"My goal has been to make an album that would speak to people the way Shakespeare speaks to me, the way Joyce speaks to me. Something with that kind of power, something with bite to it." - Lou Reed.
If only I could have an ounce of that in the way that I paint or draw, to convey what is on the inside to the outside in that manner, with that power, that would be something.
I read that he was still practicing his Tai Chi exercise an hour before his passing, trying to fight for his life. I couldn't even begin to imagine what his state of mind was at that point and maybe I don't even want to know, but that is a good example of a fighter, I believe. Someone with spirit, someone with a bite to him.
Lou Reed's passing hit me in the same way as when Freddie Mercury died. It's hard to imagine that there will be no more new music to hear, but that is the way that it goes. I think that I will go and listen to Modern Dance (from Ecstasy) and let that sink in some more.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Friday Ink and Detroit Fanfare
Captain America
ink on bristol board
Today's Friday Ink is none other than Captain America. I figure it's fitting since Detroit Fanfare starts tonight and goes through Sunday. I will not be there for Preview Night tonight as I will be at the Fox Theatre seeing Jeff Beck and Brian Wilson perform, but a few of my fellow artist friends are manning my table, so if you really wanted to pick something up you can. See all of you tomorrow!
ink on bristol board
Today's Friday Ink is none other than Captain America. I figure it's fitting since Detroit Fanfare starts tonight and goes through Sunday. I will not be there for Preview Night tonight as I will be at the Fox Theatre seeing Jeff Beck and Brian Wilson perform, but a few of my fellow artist friends are manning my table, so if you really wanted to pick something up you can. See all of you tomorrow!
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Zelda's Zombie Zoo
The other book that will be debuting at Detroit FanFare that I have a piece in is Zelda's Zombie Zoo written by Gary Reed and published by Binary Press. This is an all ages book, so even though it has zombified zoo animals, the gore and rotted flesh was kept to a minimum. So, I've been told. I've seen a few of the other contributor's images and there is a varied collection of zoo animals for your viewing pleasure. I will have copies of this book at my table in artists alley, so stop on by and get your copy this weekend.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Stoopid Stuf
This Friday marks the launch date for a new web comic that I crated alongside Kevin Minor of Universe-M fame. Kevin does the writing and the coloring and I do the draw-w-wing. For the past four months we have been coming up with ideas, rehashing them, making them work the way we want them to work and now we will be able to share them with all of you cartoon loving pagans once a week. Stoopid Stuf is a cartoon by two curmudgeons who want to put our curmudgeony thoughts in a single panel to show you just how cranky and/or goofy we can be when satirizing life and all that stoopid stuf. So, starting this Friday toon in to Stoopid Stuf at www.stoopidstuf.com and we hope to be able to bring a chuckle or two to at least two of you.
We chose this Friday to launch our web comic to coincide with Detroit Fanfare, the premier Comic convention in the Detroit area, which will be held at the Adoba Hotel (formally, the Hyatt) in Dearborn, MI.
Monday, October 21, 2013
The Book Of Tarot
The Hermit
ink on bristol board
I have a few projects coming to fruition this week, so I will be updating on them throughout the week. The first is The Book Of Tarot, a collection that will make its debut this weekend at Detroit Fanfare in Dearborn, MI. All of the artists in the book will be on hand at the convention to sign their little hearts away. The book was put together by Gary Reed and printed up through his Transfuzion Publishing.
I chose to do The Hermit card and the above image is what it looks like. I wanted to incorporate a few different aspects, such as The Hermit himself, the tale of Diogenes of Athens, which lends itself perfectly with this card and the story of St. Gerlach, a dutch mercenary who lived in an oak tree after his journey from the Crusades. The tree replaces the mountain in the original card.
I've already seen a few pieces from this book and they have all been stellar looking, so if you are into anything Tarot, then this book is for you. Stop on by my table in artists alley and pick up a copy.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Friday Ink: Professor Karl Meister
Professor Karl meister
ink on bristol board
For today's Friday Ink I am keeping with the October theme and have Christopher Lee as Professor Karl Meister from the Hammer Films, The Gorgon. The Gorgon is a bit cheesy, but I really like this flick. They went all out on the settings and the lighting is just what I like in a 60's Hammer Films. Plus, besides Lee, the film also has Peter Cushing and a Medusa. What's not to like?
Thursday, October 17, 2013
James Gurney Lecture and The Lost World Exhibit
This past Tuesday evening found me at The Cranbrook Institute of Science to attend the James Gurney lecture that was in conjunction with the Lost World exhibit of over 30 complete dinosaur fossil skeletons. I arrived about an hour early and was the only person in the exhibit hall for some time, so I took a buttload of pictures and then did some sketching. You can see some of the better sketches in the above image. Before the book signing started I ran into fellow cartoonist James Anderson, so we talked comics and dinosaurs and all that good stuff. We were then lucky enough to be one of the first in line to get our Dinotopia books signed. Mr. Gurney is one heck of a nice guy and he took the time to chat with everyone who came out to see him. Once in the lecture hall we were joined by Mouse Guard's David Petersen and listened to James talk about his career as an illustrator and how he works, including research and building maquettes for his paintings.
It was a very good night and while there I also received some potentially good news, but will have to remain mum on that for now. Hopefully, I will have something awesome to report soon!
Monday, October 14, 2013
Insectae Sketch Cards, Part Three
These are the last of my Insectae cards done for the Viceroy Cards set that is due out this month. Being from Michigan, I just had to include a fish fly, as we call the crunchy little critters. I have five Artist Proof blanks that can be commissioned, so if you want a bug card, get in touch with me and I'll do one up!
Monday, October 7, 2013
Insectae Sketch Cards, Part Two
Here is another batch of the sketch cards that I did for the Insectae set by Viceroy Cards, which should be coming out this month. I will post the remainder of these next week.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Friday Ink: the Creature From The Black Lagoon
The Creature
ink on bristol board
I began watching The Creature From The Black Lagoon last night and so, of course, it is fitting that I do said creature for today's Friday Ink. It's hard to believe that it has been about a month since I last did one of these, so I need to get back into the swing of things.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Insectae Sketch Cards
Here is a preview of the 25 cards that I did for the Insectae set that will soon be released by Viceroy Cards. This was an unique set and I've been seeing quite a few great looking cards from some of the other artists on this set, so be sure to check it out.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Frankenstein's Monster
Frankenstein's Monster
acrylic and colored pencil on illustration board
So, this is the finished painting from the black and white colored pencil drawing that I posted a few months ago. A print of this will be ready for Detroit Fanfare this October, so be ready to get your classic monster fix!
Monday, September 16, 2013
Contemporary Pin-Ups Puzzle Jam Sketch Cards, Part Two
Here are the rest of the sketch cards done for the Contemporary Pin-Ups Puzzle Jam set put out by Galens Sketch Art Productions. These cards include the sides done by Bill Pulkovski.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Contemporary Pin-Up Puzzle Jam Sketch Cards, Part One
I contributed on 20 cards for the Contemporary Pin-Up Puzzle Jam that was put out by Galens Sketch Art Productions. This set is out now and from what i have heard, it's doing well. I drew these before handing them over to Bill Pulkovski to do the other half. He did the same with the other 10 and then I did my images on the other half. So, if you want to see the other side to these, you'll just have to pester Bill some. I will post the other cards next week.
Friday, September 6, 2013
Friday Ink: The Imp
I had been resisting watching the series Game Of Thrones, just because it was yet another something to watch, but at the insisting of some friends I gave it a shot. I'm almost through season one and I'm hooked. Dammit.
So, for today's Friday Ink, I give you Tiny Lannister, Timmy Lannister, Turrell Lann... The Imp, for the Realm's sake, The Imp.
And this weekend I will be at the Motor City Sketch booth at the VillageFest in Grosse Pointe, MI. I will be selling original artwork, prints, books and will be doing sketches with the likes of Jason Westlake and Ted Woods, among others. So, come on down and see some illustrators among the fine arty people.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Elektra/Bullseye Mashup
Back in May at the Cherry Capital Con while pining away the time in between commissions and monster sales, my bud and fellow cartoonist Jay Fosgitt and I did this Elektra and Bullseye mashup. I provided the Bullseye, then Jay provided the wonderfully drawn Elektra. He did a fantastic job, dontcha' think? Jay, of course, is the creator and genius behind the Bodie Troll comic book and if you haven't checked it out yet, you should probably do so. In earnest.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Friday Ink: Mal
ink on bristol board
Mal, you know him from Firefly, looks pissed. He's gonna go off and lecture someone. Or shoot 'em. One or the other, I suppose.
ink on bristol board
Mal, you know him from Firefly, looks pissed. He's gonna go off and lecture someone. Or shoot 'em. One or the other, I suppose.
Friday, August 16, 2013
Friday Ink: Bond
ink on bristol board
As I was re-watching For Your Eyes Only, I thought that this would make for a good Friday Ink drawing. So, here it is.
ink on bristol board
As I was re-watching For Your Eyes Only, I thought that this would make for a good Friday Ink drawing. So, here it is.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Recent Sketch Card Commissions
Here are a few sketch card commission for a collector across the pond. The top two are artist proof cards from the Carnival set from Viceroy Cards and all of the bottom cards are on my personal stock, as you can see. The common theme in these cards is the polka dot bikini girl in various misadventures.
Friday, August 2, 2013
Friday Ink: Rygel XVI, Dominar
ink on bristol board
"Don't forget the crackers!"
Oh, wait, wrong cheese eater. There I go again, mixing up my pop culture creatures...
A thumbs up for the one to tell me which movie that line came from.
ink on bristol board
"Don't forget the crackers!"
Oh, wait, wrong cheese eater. There I go again, mixing up my pop culture creatures...
A thumbs up for the one to tell me which movie that line came from.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Some Sketch Covers
I did these two sketch covers last May up in Traverse City at the Cherry Capital Con during some downtime. I tried to experiment with my line work some, especially with the Juggernaut.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Monday, July 22, 2013
Galactic Files 2 Sketch Cards, Part Two
And here are the rest of my Galactic Files 2 cards done for the Topps set. The last six cards are my Return Cards and will be available some time after the set is released. Oola is spoken for (but you aren't supposed to know that. shhhh...).