Thursday, October 17, 2013

James Gurney Lecture and The Lost World Exhibit

This past Tuesday evening found me at The Cranbrook Institute of Science to attend the James Gurney lecture that was in conjunction with the Lost World exhibit of over 30 complete dinosaur fossil skeletons. I arrived about an hour early and was the only person in the exhibit hall for some time, so I took a buttload of pictures and then did some sketching. You can see some of the better sketches in the above image. Before the book signing started I ran into fellow cartoonist James Anderson, so we talked comics and dinosaurs and all that good stuff. We were then lucky enough to be one of the first in line to get our Dinotopia books signed. Mr. Gurney is one heck of a nice guy and he took the time to chat with everyone who came out to see him. Once in the lecture hall we were joined by Mouse Guard's David Petersen and listened to James talk about his career as an illustrator and how he works, including research and building maquettes for his paintings.

It was a very good night and while there I also received some potentially good news, but will have to remain mum on that for now. Hopefully, I will have something awesome to report soon!

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