Monday, September 3, 2012

Wizard World Chicago Recap

It's been almost a month now since the Wizard World Chicago show and I wanted to do a post on the weekend, so here it is. Better late than never.

I love cons for the little things that happen and make for good stories. Our first morning found Bill and I at the Hyatt for their breakfast buffet. The man who sat us sounded just like Lo Pan from Big Trouble In Little China and we had a good chuckle at the coolness of that. After we made our way the the buffet line and started to eat, I look over and who was coming in at that moment for breakfast? Lo Pan himself! Well, the actor who played him, James Hong. And he sat down right behind us. Love it!

The 1960's Batmobile in the lobby of the conference center.

                                            A cool night time shot of downtown Chicago.

Cartoonist Denver Brubaker and his lovely fiance, Jillian stopped by my table to say hello. h
He couldn't miss my table. He knew to head for the pink and the glitter, as you can see across the way.

 Brian Pulido, who was an awesome neighbor to have brought Lady Death with him on Saturday.

                                        And the Blues Brothers came by to say hello, as well.

                                                More pics to come in a couple of days!

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