Friday, September 7, 2012

Wizard World Chicago Recap, Part Three and Art & Sole

Normally, I tend to buy printed artwork at cons, such as graphic novels or books, but at this past Wizard world Chicago show I went for artwork, both original and prints. to start the show off right, my friend and fellow cartoonist Jay Fosgitt did caricatures (all by memory, I believe!) of everyone from our group:

Me by Jay Fosgitt

 I bought Michael Golden's latest sketchbook and since I've been wanting an original sketch from him for some time now, it wasn't too hard to talk me into it:
Acroyear by Michael Golden
sharpie on bristol board

I was thinking that I wouldn't get too many chances to get a sketch by the master George Perez, so I went for it:

Scarlett Witch by George Perez
sharpie on bristol board

And on one of my trips around the con I discovered an artist using deep sea divers in his work and he has achieved what I have been striving for all this time. It was a joy and a punch in the you know what, but definitely wonderful to see someone doing such great works. It also gave me a different perspective and a cause to sit back and re-evaluate where I want and need to go with my own symbolism on this matter. The artist's name is Michael Manomivibul and I bought three of his prints:
print on textured paper

print on textured paper

print on textured paper

A big thanks to Wizard World for having me at this show and also to the staff, which were very helpful. I appreciate all the work that you did for us! It was a great show!

Now, on to other things. Mainly, that this weekend will find me at the Art & Sole Festival in Grosse Pointe, MI. This will be a first of sorts, as they mainly have fine artists and crafts people at this show and now they will have a few of us illustrators to shake things up a bit. I'm a bit of a fine artist myself, so I can hang. Our sketch group, Motor City Sketch will be doing sketches and selling original artwork for donations, in which the proceeds will got to the Belle Isle Aquarium, which will be officially opening next week. More on that later. Much thanks to Rainy Day Art Supplies for putting all of this together!

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