Friday, August 14, 2009

Michael Vick Cartoon

So, if there is one thing that we have learned from this whole Michael Vick saga, it's that if you are a sociopath who works in the entertainment field and you kill someone or something for fun then you will be rewarded because you just made a 'mistake.' You deserve a second chance even though you KNOW what's right and wrong. But, if you are a sociopath who kills someone because it affects the economy then by all means we will string you up by whatever hurts you the most. Death can't come soon enough. Whatever.

So sue me. I like dogs.

Stay tuned. Donte Stallworth will get a second chance for killing someone too. I see contract extensions worth millions. Good job guys.


  1. Well said Bruce, thats our society now a days. It's a real shame.

  2. Yep, that's for sure. I'm all for second chances, but has he even tried to make amends?

  3. Bruce,
    That is one of the best social commentaries I have read in a long time. I agree with you about dogs and other animals but in addition, society in whole is being harmed. Another Michael is a prime example of money and fame being able to change the rules. Long live the almighty buck!!

    Unkle Chuck

  4. Thanks UC, like I said before, I'm all for second chances and I've never been one to follow that tired old saying, "he paid his debt to society." No he didn't, he paid his debt to the state. There's a huge difference. He won't pay his debt to society until he himself makes an effort to make amends,be a better man and to improve his character that isn't court mandated.

    I step down from my soapbox now.
