Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Debaucheri Magazine Cartoon

Here is a cartoon that I did for the folks at Debaucheri Magazine and will be published in their next issue (March, I think). I have a cartoon in the current issue that was shown awhile back. You know the one. The sex doll one? Well anyways, the theme for this one is aphrodisiacs. 


  1. Hello, my friend! I do not go any more on blogs a lot at present. Your job is of very good quality for an American! ;)
    I launched into abstract art. I shall soon show you on my blog.
    I find it difficult to make something interesting.
    I drink a beer to your health. kiss to your wife!

  2. Hello, my friend! I do not go any more on blogs a lot at present. Your job is of very good quality for an American! ;)
    I launched into abstract art. I shall soon show you on my blog.
    I find it difficult to make something interesting.
    I drink a beer to your health. kiss to your wife!

  3. Ha, ha, au moins certains d'entre nous des coups secs sont bons pour quelque chose, hein ? J'espère que tout va bien avec vous et votre famille et moi attends avec intérêt de voir quelles abstractions vous proposez !

    Ha, ha, at least some of us Yanks are good for something, eh? I hope that all is well with you and your family and I look forward to seeing what abstractions you come up with!
