Monday, December 1, 2008

Nutrition Health Review Cartoon

This cartoon, in which I did a couple of years ago was bought by Nutrition Health Review Magazine and hopefully will be published soon (I haven't heard when, yet). 

I remember fondly when I did this toon and showed it to my wife thinking this is the funniest thing evah, and she looked at it, looked at it sideways even, then said that she didn't get it. 

Boy, did she hear it from me when I got the check in the mail.


  1. Congrats on the cartoon being picked up. It gave me a good laugh (And I needed one of those today!)

  2. Thanks, Chris! Glad to have contributed to the laugh department.

  3. I'm having a hard time imagining you gloating. ;)

  4. hehe, yeah, it was a stretch for me laying it on that thick. But, of course my efforts were fruitless. All I got was a "whatever."

  5. My poor Bruce.... Your wife did not understand..... It 's just a woman....
    You he asks too much!
    Me I am a boy! I understood everything.
    When it is cold, it is necessary to eat a lot of fats at Mc Donald or in the french kitchen ! I have just made a chicken in cream.
    You want it? It is very good you know? There are onions, the Thyme, the savory, the basil, different goes out of peppers etc....
    You should come to eat in France!;)

    I like your new "avatar"! (the new image of you!)

  6. No french kitchen....
    (fucking translator!)

    FRENCH FOOD !!!!!!

  7. See, us boys, we understand things like this! Oh, how you tempt me to come over to France and have good French food. Now, that would be a trip!

    Actually, the deep sea diver is an image that I have been using in some of my art for awhile now, so I thought that that would be kind of appropriate to use.

    And kisses back to you and your wife (and kids)!

    Voyez, nous des garçons, nous comprennent des choses comme ceci ! Ah, comment vous me tentez pour venir en France et pour prendre la bonne nourriture française. Maintenant, ce serait un voyage ! En fait, le plongeur de mer profonde est une image que j'avais employé dans une partie de mon art pour pendant quelque temps maintenant, ainsi j'a pensé c'il serait un peu approprié employer que. Et baisers de nouveau à vous et votre épouse (et enfants) !
