Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Muck Man #2

I haven't posted a Muck Man adventure in quite awhile. This one was supposed to be in the next issue of Rice On The Other, but I have not heard anything from that camp in some time, so I will go ahead and post it. I have more, really I do.
Muck Man #2
ink and black gesso on bristol board


  1. Hi Bruce !
    How do you do ?
    I love the octopus....

  2. haw haw love da muck man!

  3. Dad: Hello Dad! Glad to see that you made it through tourist season. Yeah, I like those octopi, too.

    Bonjour Dad ! Heureux de voir que vous l'avez fait par la saison de touristes. Ouais, j'aime ces poulpes, aussi.

    Darin(?): And da Muck Man loves you! Stayed tuned, more to come.

  4. LOL!!! minimilist fun!! :D

    can we see some more please!!

  5. Dinesh: Ha, ha! Yes, there are more. I have #'s 3, 4 and 5 all finished, but they just need to be scanned.
