Monday, July 14, 2008

Blindness 2

What happens when you lose all sense of autonomy, when you lose any resemblance to independence? And then you literally go blind? Apparently, you become a giant bird skull.

This is the second of three drawings.

The Last Independent Spark
colored pencil on tinted paper


  1. Hello old boy! I have a lot of job at the moment, and I have no more time to see nobody. It is the tourist season!

  2. Hey, young man! Try not to work too hard. So, what do you do that caters to the tourists?

    Hé, jeune homme ! Essai à ne pas travailler trop dur. Ainsi, que faites-vous cela approvisionne-t-vous aux touristes ?

  3. I am looking forward to read a bird's opinion on this one! ;-)
    Looks very compelling. Very blind.

  4. More blind that you know, but that's a different story.
