Thursday, January 17, 2008

More Lord Of The Rings and The Dirty Show

Bad news first, I guess. My inclusions into this year's Dirty Show held in Detroit apparently weren't dirty enough as I didn't get a single piece into the show. I liked the piece shown above, so I included it in this post. It was done in colored pencil on paper and was done with the same kind of intention as "the experts," so I guess that makes this a "sexpert."  *sigh* Time to move on...

Here's some more of the LOTR sketch cards done for Topps. More goodies soon.


  1. Hi Bruce
    A beautiful place here!
    Excellent post! You are Master.
    Thank you.
    good luck

  2. mmmh... Bruce... I read your text with my translator.... I do not know if I definitely understood everything...
    I do not love the bare woman that you drew... I think of a drawings for medicine. If the "experts", wanted erotism.... It seems to me that you are in side.....
    Excuse my friend me, me would like to tell more subtle things, but it is difficult with this translator of shit.... I flare up because of the language barrier....

  3. The right hand, the right shoulder, do not go....
    The belly parried soft....
    Desolate my friend....
    I hope that you do not want me...
    Make art, it is so much to work with its mind that with the fingers...
    " the hand is the extension of mind ". (Franck Frazetta)

  4. Hi hi! And then I make the expert now!!! ;)

  5. David: Thanks for the kind words, but being a master of anything is a pipedream, ha, ha!

    Dad:L'ha, ouais ce traducteur peut être un problème. Je suis l'un ou l'autre qui va devoir apprendre le français ou vous anglais. Pas qui soit drôle ? Hmmm... oui, maintenant que je pense à une partie de ce qui vous dit, je devine qu'il n'est pas très érotique. J'essayais pour quelque chose et ne l'ai pas retirée. "la main est la prolongation de l'esprit." - croyez-moi quand je dis que c'est un problème pour moi ! LOL ! Je devrai faire un croquis de vous en tant que "expert!"

  6. Bruce,
    could it be that this was simply not the kind of women they were looking for?
    I love the sketch cards, my favorite from this post is the third one from the bottom up.
    Did you know that Dali's elephant was inspired by Bernini's statue of an elephant carrying an obelisk? It stands in the middle of a piazza close to the Pantheon.

  7. Je devrai faire un croquis de vous en tant que "expert!"
    Lol !
    Yes! And do not hesitate to make fun of me! I shall not be hurt!
    Do not forget the glass of beer and the cigarette rolled to the hand ... ;)

  8. Merisi: Well, i got in last year and went to the show and there was a vast variety of women, men, etc. being shown, so who knows what they were looking for. Getting into juried shows is kind of like going fishing. You never know if you'll catch something. Of course, that never takes the sting out of not getting in. Bastards.

    That card is one of my favorites, too and I selected that as one of my 6 that I get to keep.

    I did know that about Dali and that is such a cool sculpture. I really got a Bernini education when we went to Italy in '98 and I'm still kicking myself for not getting to the Pantheon. And we were mere blocks away at the Trevi Fountain, too! oy.

    Dad:Ok, vous avez demandé lui, ha, ha ! Je fais finir déjà un croquis et je travaille sur une version colorée. Soyez préparé !

  9. Maman... J'ai peur..... :(

    (Mum... I'm afraid...)

  10. Ha, ha, vous avez demandé lui !
