Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Jennifer Connelly

Why don't I draw the babes more, I ask? I don't know, maybe it's because they are harder to draw for me with their smooth features. And it's not for lack of trying, I tell ya. So, that will be my New Year's resolution, to do more women. Draw more women! Jeez, if my wife saw this...

She knows I'm a dork.

Jennifer Connelly
colored pencil on tinted paper


  1. Hmmmm... maybe I should draw more men... good idea! Although, I do have men hidden in my landscapes that a few people notice.

    This woman you drew looks so natural and sweet.. Very pretty.. I like the way that "dorks" draw women.. ;)

    I also like how the leaves are repeated by the highlights on her face and back and shoulder... just lovely...

  2. Ha, ha, I think that you have that subject covered fairly well! But hey, it's always a good thing to draw what you like and what you know, right?

    More chickies on the way!

  3. Nice drawing. However, being a Jennifer Connelly fan, I am a bit biased.

    Hope you had a great Christmas and have a fun and safe New Years.

  4. Hey Chris, by the pics on your blog it sure looked like you and the missus had a great Chicago Christmas! Well, I hope so, anyways.

    I'm biased about Jenny, too! What a cutie.
