Monday, November 26, 2007

The Experts #1

I know just way too many experts, if you know what I mean. You know the kind. You can't even have a normal, time consuming conversation with these special people because they are experts on all sorts of topics and they won't even listen to what you have to say. Why? Because they are smarter than you and I and can't be bothered with all the little people and their silly inane comments. So, I've decided to put my energy where it should be and put them on paper. There will be more, I'm sure.

And I have some good news to pass along. Recently, I was hired by Topps trading card company to do some Lord Of The Rings sketch cards. As I have 400 of them to do, I have been quite busy as the deadline looms. I won't be able to show them (I think that I will be able to) for at least a month, or so. When I'm able to, I'll post them for your orcish delight.


  1. Yes! You are right! The experts are bloody idiots! And it's an expert in stupidity which speaks to you!

    But I get dressed better than your expert ;)
    You are going to make the illustration of postcards? It is a good job this....

  2. "Orcish delight." That has pecans in it, right?

  3. Dad: ha, ha, oui ils sont ! Obtenez exactement vous ce que je dis ! ouais, je ne pourrais pas voir que vous avez habillé aussi minable que ce

    Dug: The green ones like pistachios.

  4. "Grombolar!" comes to mind, looking at that expert. :-)

  5. Pseudo-experts:

    People who talk a lot, but are incapable of listening...


  6. Merisi: I have no idea what a grombolar is, but somehow I think it fits!

    Anajo: There are way too may of them. Double pfffft.
