Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Regime Changer

This here is my latest published cartoon. It will appear in the July/August issue of The Bulletin Of Atomic Scientists. They are the people who moniter the threats around the world that could affect our future as a species, such as nuclear and/or terrorist. They are the ones that keep the Doomsday Clock up and running. I think it's five to midnight.

I did this cartoon a few years ago and although I feel it's not one of my best ones, I'm still happy, of course, that it will be published (although it won't appear with my signature, I sent it off without signing it-duh.). This is one where the joke is better than the drawing, I think.

This was inspired by the whole Iraq/Hussein dabacle.


  1. Oh goodie, a full five minutes left? Best news in a long time. :-)
    Now let's see how many blogs I manage to visit before times rrrrruns out .....

  2. Congratulations! Another drawing of yours published!

    Great sketch! And I think it is as good as the joke. Yep...that doomsday clock is ticking...hope I'm not around when it goes off.

  3. The Regime Changer.. yes...

    Five minutes? Damn..

    I was looking at some of your other work. You were so modest about your sketch of Kurt Vonnegut, but it was very good! I'm a huge fan of his work. (May he rest in peace)

  4. Merisi: Yes, a whole five minutes! And I think that it was two minutes back when Iran and North Korea were acting up, so we've improved some.

    Ana: Thanks Ana, and I just recieved my copy of the mag this morning. That was fast, too. I just got the check two weeks ago. And I hope I'm not around either!

    Anajo: Hey thanks for the comments. I'll soon visit you!

  5. bruce, you made your point eloquently! :o)

  6. Great drawing and you get it published, Why to go Bruce

  7. Thanks. They only sent me one copy, so I won't be able to pass one on to ya, as usual.
