Thursday, May 17, 2007

"Light Nights" 2007 - Iceland

My streak of shows this year continues and this time I have three paintings and a drawing in the "Light Nights" festival that will be held between August 29th through September 20th in Keflavik, Iceland. Light Nights is an international art and cultural festival that will include paintings, drawings, photos, installations, music and all kinds of similar goodness. Keflavic is 35 kilometers west of Reykjavik.

You can visit their website to see the list of artists and view their works here

Among my pieces are a few from previous posts, Stargazing II, The Keystone, The Night Time Navigator, and the image above is from a few years ago called Papillon, Caulfield, Qixote And Montag. It's interesting to me that they chose my stuff because they have more of an illustrative look to them as opposed to a more fine arts look. But I'm happy and honored that they did.

Man, postage is gonna kill me...


  1. BRUCE! What are you saving all the best for last?! My GOD! I LOVE This! This is the best I've seen yet from you. Just gorgeous. And, yes, this has an illustrative look to it and that's why I like it. Each character seems to have a very different story, very different expression...beautiful. I especially like the old guy in the middle -- his expression is exquisite and I love the mustache! I like the guy on the far right, too. He looks very intense. You've really captured the emotion in this piece. Colors are great, too. Really nice! Keep on keeping on, Bruce. Congratulations on your show!

  2. all of the eyes, by the way, are very, very expressive. Man furthest back has most introspective gaze...although if you look long enough, they all seem to have an introspective quality about them.

  3. Qixote & Caulfield....whadda combination punch! Perhaps you might do a combination of Alfred E. Neuman and Pat Robertson...wait, their philosophies are too much alike and come to think of it, they have similar appearances too. It might be too difficult to tell them apart.

    Anonymously yours, U.C.

  4. Hi Bruce!! How are ya? Wow!! I love this sketch! My favorite is the guy in the helmet! Wow, extremely impressive! Amazing, Iceland, huh? Good luck to ya a little early!!

    Smiles from Texas!!,


  5. wonderful faces!! so cartoony yet so intensely real and powerful!! wish i could see their full body structures and costumes...
    and why are they huddled together??
    is there a story to them... or maybe it's best left to each one to imagine one's own story...?

    well, all the best for the festival!! :o)

  6. Ana: Yes, it is an older piece and I almost forgot about it, if you can believe that. I was going through my stuff to photograph for my website and re-discovered it, so to say. But, I'm glad that you like it, Ana.

    Actually, they all have something in common. They are all prisoners in some way. Papillon was an actual physical prisoner (and the only real person in this group), Holden Caulfield from Catcher In The Rye, a prisoner of society, Don Quixote, a prisoner of his own thoughts, and Montag, from Fahrenheit 451, another prisoner of society.

    And what you said about the guy furthest back was way too cool, because I used myself in that one.

    U.C: Ha, ha, but at least we know that Alfred is only joking, right? Right?

    Sandra: hey there! I'm doing pretty darn good and I hope you can say the same. Thanks for the comments from Texas.

    Dintoons: Hey Dinesh. Y'now, I think that maybe I should do a full figure sketch of these four. that could be fun. They're just posing for the camera, the hams. Read my answer to Ana for the story, but feel free to imagine them how you want, that's part of the fun.

  7. Hey! I thought Alfred was serious and Pat is the jokester? Anyway, What? Me worry.....
