Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Giraffe Business Card

I've been trying to put together some self-promotional stuff to send out to magazines and other publications. So, these past few weeks I finally have made some headway into getting a website, designed some postcards and I have also worked on a business card that I can carry with me to hand out whenever. This is what I came up with.

And since that country girl Sandra likes giraffes as much as I do, it prompted me to post them to see if this works as a business card advertising my illustration work. The first image is the inked version and the other is with some photoshop manipulation. On the back will have all the contact info.


  1. Sooo extremely AWESOME!!!!! Hi Bruce!! Wow!...this Countrygirl is absolutely impressed!! I love this business card!! What a great idea! I love what you did with the letter "U"! I'm postitive the magagzines and other publications will love it as well!! All the luck in the world to ya with the self-promotion!!

    Very cool that you included me in your post!! ; ) Thanks!!

    Catch ya later, fellow giraffe-ian!!!!!,


  2. Thanks Sandra, I wanted to keep it simple and sometimes that a difficult thing to do, but I'm happy with it. So, now I need to print them up!

  3. Hello Bruce! I am back...and checking in to see what you've been up to this week.

    I LOVE the business card, especially the one in color! Great idea. Do giraffes have spots? If they do, I was thinking a spot or two might really look cute somewhere in there. But either way, really nice. I like how you cropped the image and integrated the antlers? as the U in your name.

    Cheers, my friend.
