Monday, January 1, 2007

Smut Bowl XXI.v

Yes, it's that most wonderful time of the year when we get together to play our annual football game on New Year's Day. This was our 21st year playing and for a bunch of 35-40 year old guys, we didn't do too bad. No heart attacks and no broken bones. This day is the only time of the year that I see some of these guys. The weather wasn't too cold, but it was wet and muddy, the best way to play a sloppy game of football. The score was 70-56. Defense wasn't exactly an emphasis today, as you can see. Here is the flier that I whipped up for the event. I would have thought that the cheerleaders would have brought out more players, but even that wasn't enough to get some off the couch.


  1. "for a bunch of 35-40 year old guys, we didn't do too bad. No heart attacks and no broken bones."
    Hahaha, that sentence made me laugh, Bruce ! I didn't know you're playing football ! A sport who seems a bit weird for a frenchman like me, because we are more fan of Rugby [you know, quite the same sport, but WITHOUT protections, lol] than football. But hopefully, some friends of mine explain me the rules and it seems more subtle to me now. Seems you had good time... ;)

  2. There used to be a rugby club near my house and occasionally, I'd go and watch. I should have had a go at it. Now keep in mind Julien, that the only protection that we use are knee and elbow pads, cup (gotta protect the package) and teeth guards. In the early days, we were a bit enthusiastic and some injuries ensued: broken collar bone, broken arm, cracked orbital ridge, broken noses, but mostly just some bloody noses and lips and being really, really sore the next few days.
    It's always a good time, though.

    Back when I was but a teenager, there was this German exchange student who played football with us for the first time. He was used to rugby, as well, and he wanted to try american style football. He was brutal, he killed us. It was funny though, because every time he was about to be tackled he chucked the ball to a teammate ala rugby rules.
    Take care, man.

  3. I hope my precious comment doesn't look a bot too irrespectful... Cause now I read it again, I got a doubt ! Argl ! Be careful when I wrotte in english should be on my resolution list for the new year.
    Gald to read your words about the German guy. I have simlar memories of American people enjoying Rugby when I was ay university... They were killer too ! Cheers, Bruce.

  4. "Previous", not "precious" ! Holalala ! I apologies for my bad english, man.

  5. ha, ha, I wasn't thinking of it as disrespctful, but I was kind of wondering if rugby was "precious" or you were just doing a very good Golem impersonation! It would be funny to hear that in a French accent, though.
