Monday, January 15, 2007

16th Euro-Kartoenale-Kruishoutem, Belgium 2007

I just recieved notification that my cartoons have been recieved for the 16th Euro-Kartoenale , a cartoon exhibition held in Belgium. The theme for this years show is "Locks and Keys." Above are the three cartoons that I sent for the exhibition. The prize money for some of these shows are pretty darn good, but I have heard that some politics go into picking the winners. As they usually fly the prize winners to the openings, over seas cartoonist are usually passed over because of the expense. A plus for these shows is that selected cartoons are published in the exhibition catalogs and they do a good job on these and it's always good for publicity.


  1. Hey Bruce,

    Rockin blog! You're the shiznit.

    I just love cruisin your blog while listening to some "fat beats".

    Stay Groovie Baybee!

  2. Tina: i think that it's "Phat" beats. You are so not a homey. I'm so embarrassed.
