Thursday, September 19, 2024

Sarah Huckabee-Sanders


ink on bristol

Ol' sourpuss Hucka-Sands was in Michigan the other day spewing rays of sunshine. The peasants need to have children, dammit. Who else is going to work the slaughterhouses? 

Anyways, since she was in the news, above is a drawing of the said Spewer of Sunshine from my book 86 Sycophants, Charlatans, Leeches, and Opportunists of the Donald J. Trump Sh!tshow, a collection of caricatures of all the best people. I'll be having a book signing next month, so details to follow!

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Neanderthal Skulls Artist Proof Sketch Cards


I have a ton of Artist Proof blanks laying about and I'm trying to plow through them to get them out there. Occasionally, I an contacted to see what I have, but I'm a bit impatient at times, so, here are a couple from the Dinosaurs and other prehistoric entities set released in 2015 by Upper Deck. I like how they put the names on the cards to take the guess work on just what to do. I have many specific dinosaur blanks, if anyone is interested in those.

I went with fossils of the skulls and may do the same with the other cards that feature dinosaurs. And, I took a little different approach with these two. I used colored inks and watercolor. If interested, the eBay links are below:

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sugar Skull Gar

5.25x7.25 framed
ink and watercolor

This here sugar skull gar (among a few others) is now available on my Etsy store for purchase
Click here to take you there. 


Sunday, September 15, 2024

Red Lipped Batfish Sketch


ink and colored inks from sketchbook

It's been awhile since I've done a #SundayFishSketch and this week's theme was a good one. The fish sketch theme of 'beastly' fish is in conjunction with the #SciArtSeptember challenge of the same word.

Originally, I was going to go with another fish, but after a little bit of digging learned that it was an AI generated fake fish, so I ignored that trash and went with an even weirder and real-life fish called the Red Lipped Batfish. In my original sketch, I used some red colored inks to do the lips, as they actually have bright red lips, as if heading out on the town. But, I like the greyscale look better and went with that. So, these fish are found around the Galapagos Islands and off the coast of Peru and you could not find an odder looking fish if you tried. Well, actually, you probably could, but this one will rank up there somewhere. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Apple Sketch


Here is a sketch of our dog Apple (2008-2024) done in 2015. We lost her on Friday. She had these great independently   articulating ears that operated like chameleon eyes. She listened to everything. Except us, of course.